It might as well be heaven.

As a current and longtime resident of Iowa, I find articles and photos about Iowa rather interesting. Not many people would consider Iowa to be an interesting state, but it’s the state I know and the state I love. There is a recent article in the Iowa State student magazine, Uhuru, entitled “Is this heaven? No, it’s Iowa.” The article talks about why the Midwest in general, is a great place to live by referring to the people, the scenery, and the culture.

The article begins by talking about the people of the Midwest, stating, “Most people are nice here, and genuinely care about the livelihood of others.”(Johnsen, 27) When I was 16 I ran out of gas, so I pulled off the road into a small ditch. I immediately called my buddy’s dad to bring me gas. While I waited on the side of the road, almost every person me, stopped to see if I was ok. Lauren Johnsen points out, “It’s comforting to live in an area where strangers greet one another, and people genuinely look out for each other.”(27) People in the Midwest for the most part are down to earth, hardworking people, and would do whatever they could to help out those in need.

Lauren’s next point is scenery. I don’t know if you have ever taken a drive across the state of Iowa, but there is something calming about the hills, the little farms, and the rolling corn fields. She only talks briefly on this point, using a full page photograph to give the reader a better visual on what she is talking about. The photo was taken by someone standing in the middle of a gravel road. There are corn fields on both sides of the road and you can see a farm or two in the far distance. In the middle you can see a small wooded area. This picture is perfect for this article, because it shows the calm, simple, and peaceful life of the Midwest. She also makes references to some more commonly known land features, such as Lake Superior, or Lake Michigan, to point out it’s not just about cornfields and gravel roads.

Her final main point is the culture of the Midwest. She says, “To some, New York is the cultural center of the universe, and anywhere else is not worth their time.”(27) To argue this statement, Lauren talks about the different fairs and specialty stores in South Minneapolis. She focuses on the upcoming microbreweries in the Midwest and how they bring in visitors from other states. These breweries offer areas where people can go sit down, have a beer, and eat some good food. I personally am not yet 21, but the idea of getting food from your favorite restaurant and drinking a freshly brewed beer is very intriguing.

The article, “Is this heaven? No, it’s Iowa,” uses personal experiences from living in the Midwest to convince the reader on why the Midwest is better. While I was reading the article, I felt like I could relate to what the author was talking about. With good hearted people, beautiful scenery, and a vast culture, what is not to love about the Midwest?
